Maxymillian installed a large-scale earth support system for the construction of the new Williams College Science Center building. This project marks one of Maxymillian’s largest earth support system installations in the past 50 years.

Maxymillian drove 73 piles to ledge from 16’ to 42’ in length for a total of 1,710 VF of piles. Over 8,400 CY of earth was excavated to ledge between the new pile wall and existing foundation. Soil conditions at multiple tiebacks would not hold, therefore Maxymillian buried concrete cubes and tied the earth support system to the cubes. Working closely with our subcontractor, we drilled, blasted and removed 14,610 CY of ledge from within and at the bottom of the earth support system, a range of 12’ to 21’ deep. The ledge was then removed to a depth from the existing ground on the high side at 42’ deep and 33’ deep on the lower side.